Thursday, November 29, 2007

Interactive Whiteboard is used with a computer and a projector. The computer can be a desktop computer or a notebook and projector should be a multimedia projector. The projector is connnected to the computer's monitor socket via USB or bluetooth. It projects images stored on the computer hard disk on the interactive whiteboard, which then work like a projection screen.

You can either use a special pen or your finger to control the functions of a mouse. Whiteboards on which a special pen is required to control mouse functions use electromagnetic technology. Whereas whiteboards where finger is required use resistive technology. In this way we can have two broad classification of whiteboards. Some whiteboards can use both electromagnetic and resistive technologies. This means both special pen and fingers can be used to control mouse functions. Touch screen interactive whiteboards are suitable for primary schools, where students generally use fingers. Pen touch interactive whiteboards are suitable for secondary school students and corporates, as pen is predominantly used here.

Source: Interactive Whiteboards usage

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